Via Shop412
With a precise and valuable mission statement, agreeable visuals, and detailed archive of projects, Shop412 launches a new web experience. The Pittsburgh lifestyle brand and clothier's 'About' page reads, "412 was birthed in 2007 with the aim to create a brand that celebrated Pittsburgh's emerging generation of cultural creators and professional athletes."
The 'Burgh's proud heritage shapes Shop412's logo and is the company's source of inspiration. While the city's area code remains the prime image for 412, a wolf is used as symbolism to represent the quality and ideals of Pittsburgh's cultural community built "TOGETHER."
After recently remodeling its storefront, moving the sneaker wall to a window cavity with open shelves and lush greenery peering through, a ferocious, salivating neon wolf adorns the shop and faces customers who enter. "Hometown•Is•Hero 412 Built," encourages the sign.
SFOT's supportive manifesto "started out as just an idea. A feeling. Our desire to represent our city. Our family. Us. All of us. Together."
Naturally, actors in the steel city's cultural scene seek 412 wear to boast their hometown's creative and diligent spirit. Keep Pittsburgh Dope, the don of capturing popular life and style, photographed local rapper Mars Jackson during his concert at Carnegie Museum of Art in a black long-sleeve shirt printed with the brand's wolf emblem. Menswear purveyor PixburghCam shops 412, and 24/7 Pittsburgh advocate Cody Baker loves the 412 x Heinz shirt, a collaboration bringing awareness to hunger in the region and nationally. See packs of Pittsburghers cooperatively and dominantly thrive together in 412.
The new web-store welcomes supporters with a classic logo offering in black, grey, gold, and red. Officially called the '412 Hometown' collection, the wolf appears on black and white long-sleeve tees, as well as a black hoodie.
Creating "a logo for a proud town," Shop412 is a staunch reminder of the valuable content that is produced from a supportive and engaged community.