Life's Goods

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Faster and More Affordable Broadband for U.S. Communities

While we refrain from discussing major political issues on InTheRough, President Barack Obama is making headlines today as he is traveling to Iowa to talk about expanding broadband access.  In a rapidly evolving technological environment in which students, businesses and civilians in general rely on access to faster internet connections, this news seemed relevant to all of us.

As you'll see in the video below, only a few U.S. cities (Cedar Falls, IA; Kansas City, MO; and Chattanooga, TN) have these large broadbands while international cities such as Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Paris have been providing expansive and affordable broadband to their people for some time.  Through executive action, President Obama hopes to help more communities and major cities acquire these same speeds, so that they, too, may be more economically competitive.  Be sure to tune in to the State of the Union address on January 20th to hear more about President Obama's upcoming plans to improve our nation.